Monday, January 30, 2012

Salado Creek

We enjoyed a lazy Sunday afternoon outside.

Our girls loved watching the ducks.

I love how Audrey has her hands on her hips! Little priss!

Madalyn couldn't stand it any longer and had to touch the water.

Love her!

Oh how we need to have more of these kind of days.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mommy Daughter Date

Justin and I enjoy having one on one time with our girls and Saturday was the perfect day for Madalyn and I to do that! Actually, we were a little overdue for this kind of day according to Madalyn! She had been asking for some Mommy and me time for a few weeks. Love it!

Ready to head to the mall!
Madalyn enjoys shopping like her Momma!

Per Madalyn's request...

We enjoyed some popcorn and M&M's while we watched Beauty and the Beast.
After the movie we went to McAllisters (aka Madalyn's favorite restaurant) and then got dressed  up for Sadie's princess birthday party.

I believe she had a good time!
I sure did!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

One blanket, two little girls and one strong daddy

What do we do when it's cold outside?
Daddy makes a "park" inside with the little help of a blanket.

Daddy made a "slide" with the blanket and his long legs.

This kept them busy for awhile!

The girls are constantly asking Daddy to make a "park" again!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What do we do on rainy or cold days?

We pull out the play dough!
Audrey was really concentrating.
We put on talent shows!
Madalyn and Audrey sang several songs and did some dance moves.
Awe! Had to share this sweet picture.
Makes a momma proud!
And we build princess castles!

We are thankful for these rainy and cold days!

Daddy and his Daughters

Madalyn's queen size bed is the new place for bedtime reading.
I love hearing Justin read to our girls and watch them take it all in.

A daddy and his daughters,
Walking hand in hand;
Though he isn't always with them,
They say they understand.

When he's away at work or play,
The memory of him lingers;
The two girls smile because they know,
He's wrapped around their fingers.

A slight tilt of their sweet heads,
A smile, a lowered glance;
A hug and kiss and, "Daddy please?"
He doesn't stand a chance!

In later years he will recall,
With tenderness and love;
Two charming girls, with hands in his,
Two blessings from above.
Author: Unknown


Monday, January 23, 2012

Snowmen pancakes

One morning I surprised the girls with Snowmen pancakes.
This was their reaction! I don't think they knew what to think. Ha!

Unfortunatley, the pancake mix must have been old and we had to resort to waffles.
Lesson learned: Try to the mix before making fun pancakes!

Audrey's 2nd reaction!

Madalyn said, "Thanks Mom for trying. Waffles are okay."
I sure am glad we had some frozen waffles in the freezer to save the day!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Wedding Dress Shopping

My good friend, Laura Gilbert asked me to be in her Summer wedding! Carrie and I met Laura to do a little wedding dress shopping! I'm so excited for her and Jason!

Laura looked beautiful!

Can't wait to see which one she chooses!

After dress shopping Laura treated us to some yummy cupcakes!

Laura: wedding cake
Carrie: red velvet
April: peanut butter and chocolate chip
We all tried eachother's and they were all delish!

We couldn't end our girl's day without some retail shopping!

Thank you for asking me to be a part of your special day!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Interview with Madalyn

The other day Madalyn and I had a little interview for fun.

(Madalyn was reading to her baby dolls.)

What's your full name? Madalyn Grace Gaidusek

How old are you? 4, my birthday is in the summer time!

What's your favorite color? black (not so sure about that, but that's what she said ???)

What's your favorite food to eat? apples because those are healthy! (Good answer. She's also a big bread eater:)

What's your favorite toy? my babies (oh so true!)

What do you like to do with Audrey? play babies and play with our new store

What do you call your sister? Audrey, Audreeey and Sissy

What do you like to do with Mommy? help make breakfast, lunch and supper. I'm a good helper!

What do you like to do with Daddy? take his work stuff to the truck in the mornings and go to the park with him.

What do you like to do outside? ride my bike, play in my tree house (playset) that Paw Paw, Uncle Westin and Daddy made me

What's your favorite song? the loud VBS song

What's your favorite book? Eat your peas Ivy Louise

What is your teacher's name? Miss Jennifer and Miss Ida's was my other teacher (Ida was her teacher the first part of the school year and Jennifer came in right before Christmas)

What do you like to do in dance class? tap (not sure about that...she takes ballet and gymnastics)

Who are your friends? Rachel, Sadie, Kelsey, Reese and Charlie

I had a few more questions, but Madalyn said that was enough questions. She needed to check on one of her babies that was crying! Ha!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Little Helpers

My little helpers

Madalyn is getting old enough to really help out in the kitchen and she LOVES it. Mommy does too. Yes, it takes more time, but how else is she going to learn if I don't take the time to show her?

Audrey on the other hand...She wants to be right there too.
This little one is teaching me that I need a lot of patience. :) Each day is a learning day.
She's got to learn as well.

Madalyn and Audrey are growing and learning so much.
They amaze me by the things they say and do on a daily basis.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Birthday Celebrations!

Saturday morning we celebrated our sweet friend, Bella's 2nd birthday!

Audrey being a little shy.

Noah enjoying his Elmo cookie sucker.

After Bella's celebration we went home for naps and then headed to Waco to celebrate
 Addisyn's 1st birthday.

Addisyn had a P.J's Cookies and Milk party.

Addisyn wasn't too sure about her cupcake at first, but quickly learned that it was quite yummy!

Aiden and Madalyn enjoying the pj party!

We enjoyed celebrating two very special little girls!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We are happy to Welcome 2012!

Justin and I rented a cabin at Brazos Bluffs Ranch ( to reflect on 2011 and start 2012. Friday afternoon we loaded up and headed towards Waco. Our trip got off to a rough start because of traffic. We had been in the car for 45 minutes and were still in Temple! Ugh! What should have taken us about an hour and a half ...took us about three hours. All was good when we pulled up to our little cabin.

With little ones our days start out early, but that was okay since we woke up to this beautiful scenery. We enjoyed a yummy breakfast at the little cafe on the ranch and then went on a small hike.
Yes, Justin and I ended up carrying the girls part of the way.

Paw Paw enjoyed a little fishing.

We enjoyed hanging out with some dear friends. The weather was beautiful!
(Madalyn, Rachel, Kayla, Dawn and Lillian)

Jennifer (and baby boy) and Rachel Harper

We all enjoyed rides on the golf cart. Thanks Chris for pulling the wagon!

Jumping off the horse ramp was a huge hit for the little ones!

And since the kids were happy the mommas got to play a game of Social Security! Just for the record...I won the last game of 2011. :)

We found the perfect spot to watch the last sunset of 2011! 

Unfortunately, our little girls didn't appreciate the sunset as much as the adults.

Audrey trying out a sparkler for the first time!

Noah, Toby and Christina Cooper
Wesley, Chrissy and Nathan Rich
Lillian and Dawn Bass
All enjoying the sparklers!

The Coopers!

Madalyn enjoyed making the smores more than eating them!

Our girls made it until 10pm that night! What a day!

We ended 2011 and started 2012 great! Can't wait to see what God has in store for us this year!