Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"Help me cross my legs."

Audrey is growing up so fast.
Lately she has been wanting to cross her legs, but still needs a little help getting them crossed. :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Poppy and Gi

Poppy and Gi came for a weekend visit!

Thanks for playing with us!

We really enjoyed playing dress up and beauty shop!

Thanks for being a good sport!

We look forward to seeing y'all again!
Love, Madalyn and Audrey

Friday, February 24, 2012

Go Cru!

One Saturday Justin took the girls to a UMHB Basketball game.
They enjoyed watching the game and eating 2 bags of popcorn and a bag of M&Ms.
They really enjoyed watching and cheering with the cheerleaders!

Justin took Madalyn and Audrey to a Salado Baseball game one evening
and the girls were quite disappointed that there weren't any cheerleaders.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Potty Celebration!!!

We are so proud of Audrey for using the potty!
She is doing so good!
Madalyn is a wonderful big sister and is a big help.
In honor of the success, we celebrated with pizza and a movie in the living room.
This was a treat for the girls since we usually don't let them eat in the living room.

Keep up the good work, Audrey!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Prep

We decorated our Valentine's for our friends.

We made heart shaped brownies.

And licked the spoon!

We counted out enough candy for each bag while the brownies baked.

We smelled the brownies and shared one to make sure they were done!

And we finally completed our Valentine Treats for our friends!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Justin and I are blessed with two little Valentine's!

Precious Girls!

Monday, February 13, 2012

One little house

Our Sunday class started Care Groups so we could get to know each other a little better.
We have 4 other families in our group. 7 children and one on the way!
6 of the children enjoyed this little house.

Their excitement was priceless!

We heard lots of giggles that night!

I'm sure we'll have many more happy times in this little house.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Surprise Visit

We met Brooks and Meredith Yarborough at FBC about 7 years ago. When Brooks got out of the Army they moved back to South Carolina. Unfortunately, we haven't seen each other in a long time. Until Brooks surprised us with a quick visit one Saturday! We would have loved to see Meredith and their baby girl, Michael Mae too. Maybe we'll get up to SC one of these days.

Thanks Brooks for stopping by! We miss you and Meredith!

Look what we have been doing!

First, I made sure we had some of these items.

And then we needed to make sure to have lots of liquids.

And one little girl needed to have plenty of these.

For this to happen!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Valentine's Crafts

I came across these cute items in the $1 bins at Target the other day.

The girls enjoyed making a monkey and a butterfly.
Cheap and fun!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2nd Annual Clothes Swap

You may ask what is a clothes swap and I would say it is exactly what it says...

1.Everyone cleans out their closets. Clothes, jackets, belts, purses, shoes and jewelry that you have not worn in the last year or don't plan on wearing/using them anytime soon.

2.We set a date for the Clothes Swap. (Last year we had to reschedule not once, not twice, but three different times because of bad weather! Remember the rolling blackouts?!?)

3.We collect and organize all the goodies.

(We had 3 tables full of just tops!)

4.Everyone brings a snack and a bag to the party.

5.At the party we number off depending on how many rooms we have. This year we had 3 different rooms. One for tops, sweaters, blouses. Another room for dresses and skirts and the third room was for pants, shoes, purses and jewelry.

(2nd Annual Clothes Swap 2012)

(1st Annual Clothes Swap 2011)

6.After we all enjoyed some yummy snacks we numbered off everyone and started shopping. We stayed in each room for about 15 minutes.

(Elizabeth, Dani and Rebekah and baby Grace)

7.It's a win win. We all clean out our closets, get a few "new" items and then we donate the rest of the clothes and goodies to Helping Hands.

This year we even had a maternity room!
Shavon, baby boy due in April
Jennifer, baby girl due in Feb.
Lacey, baby girl due in April

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We've got mail!

Our girls enjoy checking the mailbox daily and they really get excited when they get mail personally. When I found these cute mailboxes in the dollar section at Target I knew exactly who to get them for!

I used some stickers we had to personalize the mailboxes.

Checking mail...

Is anything in there?....

"Read it Mommy! Read it!"

"Girls who are delighted in feel more delightful."
(Raising Boys and Girls)

Pajama Day!

Madalyn and Audrey had Pajama Day at school!

Sporting their chucks from Rodney and Alissa.

Rodney was in our wedding and has been a good friend since college. He bought Madalyn her first pair of Converse shoes for her first birthday and has bought her a pair for every birthday sense! He and Alissa have carried on that tradition with Audrey.