Saturday, March 31, 2012

Aunt Mae Mae is here!

We were excited when Aunt Mae Mae said she was coming over for a slumber party!
We enjoyed getting our fingers and toes painted.

We sat very still...

And waited patiently...

Until all 40 nails were painted!

Thanks for visiting us during your Spring Break, Aunt Mae Mae!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yay for Rain and Spring Weather!

The last few days we have been blessed with some wonderful rain! We've been in Salado for about a year and this is the first time we've seen our backyard this way.

The water puddles were so tempting...

We've been enjoying the spring weather and ROLY POLIES.

Madalyn and Audrey have been collecting lots of "goodies" in their "nature purses".

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sesame Street LIVE!

A group of us went to the Expo to see Sesame Street Live!
Christina was able to get some really good seats.

Before the show we got to play in Big Bird's nest...

Dance with some of the characters.
Madalyn was disappointed that she didn't get to shake his hand.
No worries. She got a hand shake before we left. :)

I didn't get a group picture, but our group included: Noah, Micah, Abigail and Ainsley.

I love this picture of Noah and his grouchy face!
That sweet little girl is our friend, Ainsley.

Gotta love that precious smile!

The play area was a great place to get some energy out before the show!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Jennifer's Baby Shower

I had the privilege of helping host Jennifer's baby shower back in February.

Nathan's nursery is done in vintage Peanuts.
Jennifer let us decorate with some of his decor from his room.

I wish I would have gotten some better pictures, but this is the best I got.
Several sweet friends came to celebrate her and the upcoming birth of her son. 
She got several cute outfits and needed items. 

Jamie Anderson helped host and made this adorable clothesline.

Nathan was born just a couple of weeks later!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Hogue's

Aiden, Addisyn and Brooke came to hang out the other day.
We've been doing playdates together ever since Madalyn and Aiden were just a few weeks old!

They were about 6 months here. :)
Our little Valentines!

Audrey enjoyed "pulling" Addisyn around.
It'll be fun to see their friendship grow.

We are so thankful for our sweet friends!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Aunt Kelly, Grace and Kaitlyn came to visit!
It was a quick 25 hour visit, but we packed in a lot of fun.
Thankfully, it was pretty weather and we got to spend some time outside.
We did manage to fit in a trip to the local Ice Cream Shop.
We also added a little excitement by running the golf cart battery down and ended up walking down main street with four little girls in tow! Hey, we worked up an appetite for ice cream!

The cousins ages range from 4 years to 8 months.
It's fun to watch them play together and we pray that they will grow to be close friends.

Aunt Kelly did a better job at picture taking. I on the other hand only got these few shots.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Carrie and Jacob

Carrie is a good friend from college. We were roommates, in eachother's wedding and now we're sharing parenting advice! Jacob was born July 25, 2011 and is the sweetest little baby.
We sure did enjoy their visit!

Check out Madalyn's long legs!

Jacob got plenty of hugs from the girls!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

It feels like Spring around here.

I love watching them try new things.
And blow with all their might!

We've been spending a lot of time outside.

It's been in the high 70's until Thursday when a cold front blew through.
It's cold and wet now !

Friday, March 9, 2012

Our Little Helpers

Madalyn and Audrey love to help in the kitchen. They are quick to pull out the step stools and start stirring.

They also love to wear my shoes or anyone else's for that matter!

Their new dessert is Oreo pudding and they enjoy making it.

Our girls are also helpful with the clean up...which is a good thing!