Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sausage and Cheese Pinwheels

Sausage and cheese pinwheels are a hit around here and are so EASY to make.
First, you need to open and spread your cresent rolls out on the cookie sheet like in the picture.

Second, you spread a thin layer of raw breakfast sausage on top of the raw cresent rolls.

Next, you sprinkle cheddar cheese on the sausage.

LOVE my little helpers!!!

After the cheese they are ready to be rolled up!

Last step is to slice and bake @ 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

Finally, they are ready to eat!
They freeze well...that's if you have any left to freeze!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Easter Afternoon

Easter afternoon we enjoyed a little croquet...

Some crafting...

Wagon pulling with Uncle Westin...

A little basketball fun...

And of course...Some egg hunting!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter morning...

Madalyn was battling terrible allergies and asthma, but still wore a smile. :)

We went to the early service (8:30am) Sunday morning. That was a challenge to get everyone fed, dressed and out the door by 8:10am, but we did it. Whew!

We enjoyed Celebration Sunday and then headed to Valley Mills to spend the afternoon with family.

This was the best family picture we got.

Gaidusek family

Westin surprised the girls with Easter baskets!

More to come!

Art Explosion!

Aunt Mae Mae gave me the idea!

Put a little shaving cream on a plate and a few drops of food coloring...

Swirl around and let the fun begin!

After we put the cream on paper we drew letters and shapes!
Fun and cheap fun!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

FBC Egg Hunt

For the past three years we have participated in our church's egg hunt. The past two years we have had the privelge to watch the Easter pageant rehearsal before the egg hunt.

Ready set, go!

There were PLENTY of eggs for everyone!
In fact, Madalyn filled her basket and there were still a ton of eggs on the ground.

Papa Larry and Rio

Our little buddy, Noah Cooper.

We enjoyed another FBC Easter Egg Hunt!

Easter Garden

This is another little project that I found on Pinterest.
We collected our items by the creek and came home to put together our Easter Garden.

Building Jesus' tomb.

Justin made the 3 crosses.

Our Easter Garden.