Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Thank you for being a wonderful hands - on daddy for our girls. They sure do adore you!

Our girls are blessed! 

And are a blessing to us!
Happy Father's Day!

Love, April

VBS: Amazing Wonders

This was Madalyn's 5th VBS, Audrey's 3rd VBS to attend and I helped teach Kindergarten.
Madalyn was super excited about her first ever VBS performance. They sang a few songs they learned during the week.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our little dancer

Getting ready for her big night!

Beautiful inside and out!

The cutest little bun!

Ready to go on stage!

Well done Madalyn! You danced and sung your little heart out! We love you!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

End of the school year!

Madalyn and Audrey completed their year at Prince of Peace!

Madalyn also enjoyed her 2nd year of church choir.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Laura's Bachelorette Weekend

Fun with friends

Celebrating Laura

Wine tasting

Cooper's and Sattler's

Saying bye to sweet friends is NEVER easy.
(Micah and Noah)

Christina and Erin

Toby, Justin and Colin

We are so thankful for their friendships!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fun with Cousins (day 3)

We are thankful for our time together making memories with our cousins 

and our aunts and uncles!