Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2nd Annual Clothes Swap

You may ask what is a clothes swap and I would say it is exactly what it says...

1.Everyone cleans out their closets. Clothes, jackets, belts, purses, shoes and jewelry that you have not worn in the last year or don't plan on wearing/using them anytime soon.

2.We set a date for the Clothes Swap. (Last year we had to reschedule not once, not twice, but three different times because of bad weather! Remember the rolling blackouts?!?)

3.We collect and organize all the goodies.

(We had 3 tables full of just tops!)

4.Everyone brings a snack and a bag to the party.

5.At the party we number off depending on how many rooms we have. This year we had 3 different rooms. One for tops, sweaters, blouses. Another room for dresses and skirts and the third room was for pants, shoes, purses and jewelry.

(2nd Annual Clothes Swap 2012)

(1st Annual Clothes Swap 2011)

6.After we all enjoyed some yummy snacks we numbered off everyone and started shopping. We stayed in each room for about 15 minutes.

(Elizabeth, Dani and Rebekah and baby Grace)

7.It's a win win. We all clean out our closets, get a few "new" items and then we donate the rest of the clothes and goodies to Helping Hands.

This year we even had a maternity room!
Shavon, baby boy due in April
Jennifer, baby girl due in Feb.
Lacey, baby girl due in April

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