Monday, January 16, 2012

Interview with Madalyn

The other day Madalyn and I had a little interview for fun.

(Madalyn was reading to her baby dolls.)

What's your full name? Madalyn Grace Gaidusek

How old are you? 4, my birthday is in the summer time!

What's your favorite color? black (not so sure about that, but that's what she said ???)

What's your favorite food to eat? apples because those are healthy! (Good answer. She's also a big bread eater:)

What's your favorite toy? my babies (oh so true!)

What do you like to do with Audrey? play babies and play with our new store

What do you call your sister? Audrey, Audreeey and Sissy

What do you like to do with Mommy? help make breakfast, lunch and supper. I'm a good helper!

What do you like to do with Daddy? take his work stuff to the truck in the mornings and go to the park with him.

What do you like to do outside? ride my bike, play in my tree house (playset) that Paw Paw, Uncle Westin and Daddy made me

What's your favorite song? the loud VBS song

What's your favorite book? Eat your peas Ivy Louise

What is your teacher's name? Miss Jennifer and Miss Ida's was my other teacher (Ida was her teacher the first part of the school year and Jennifer came in right before Christmas)

What do you like to do in dance class? tap (not sure about that...she takes ballet and gymnastics)

Who are your friends? Rachel, Sadie, Kelsey, Reese and Charlie

I had a few more questions, but Madalyn said that was enough questions. She needed to check on one of her babies that was crying! Ha!

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