Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We are happy to Welcome 2012!

Justin and I rented a cabin at Brazos Bluffs Ranch (http://www.brazosbluffsranch.com/) to reflect on 2011 and start 2012. Friday afternoon we loaded up and headed towards Waco. Our trip got off to a rough start because of traffic. We had been in the car for 45 minutes and were still in Temple! Ugh! What should have taken us about an hour and a half ...took us about three hours. All was good when we pulled up to our little cabin.

With little ones our days start out early, but that was okay since we woke up to this beautiful scenery. We enjoyed a yummy breakfast at the little cafe on the ranch and then went on a small hike.
Yes, Justin and I ended up carrying the girls part of the way.

Paw Paw enjoyed a little fishing.

We enjoyed hanging out with some dear friends. The weather was beautiful!
(Madalyn, Rachel, Kayla, Dawn and Lillian)

Jennifer (and baby boy) and Rachel Harper

We all enjoyed rides on the golf cart. Thanks Chris for pulling the wagon!

Jumping off the horse ramp was a huge hit for the little ones!

And since the kids were happy the mommas got to play a game of Social Security! Just for the record...I won the last game of 2011. :)

We found the perfect spot to watch the last sunset of 2011! 

Unfortunately, our little girls didn't appreciate the sunset as much as the adults.

Audrey trying out a sparkler for the first time!

Noah, Toby and Christina Cooper
Wesley, Chrissy and Nathan Rich
Lillian and Dawn Bass
All enjoying the sparklers!

The Coopers!

Madalyn enjoyed making the smores more than eating them!

Our girls made it until 10pm that night! What a day!

We ended 2011 and started 2012 great! Can't wait to see what God has in store for us this year!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just came over from your comment on Emily's blog. You may have just convinced me to go convince my husband to go to this cabin!
